The Ultimate Remote FOB Bundle – Your All-in-One DIY Remote FOB Replacement Solution
Looking for a fast, affordable, and hassle-free way to program a remote? The Ultimate Remote FOB Bundle is the perfect solution for car owners who value convenience, innovation, and saving money. This cutting-edge product combines all the tools you need to create a new remote for your vehicle – right at home!
What’s Included:
- One Remote FOB: A durable, vehicle-compatible FOB ready for programming.
- Programmer Tool: An easy-to-use device that allows you to program your car remote FOB in minutes, saving you time and money by skipping the car dealership.
- Brand new keyless entry remote FOB for select Kia vehicles
- This kit includes 1 remote FOB and a programmer
- 4 buttons remote: (Lock, Unlock, Hatch, Panic)
- Replacement for part number 95430-3E511
- Replacement for FCC ID: PLNHM-T011
- Includes battery already installed in remote
- Full money-back guarantee if it does not work for vehicles listed in this description
- Note: remote FOB does NOT have a Kia logo
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